Thursday, March 26, 2015

So What Does That Word Mean Anyway?

So there's this word that's been on my mind a lot lately.
It's a word we hear ALL the time.
In fact, we hear it so often that we become numb to the word.
I'm sure you already have some guesses popping around in that head of yours.
Some have heard this word their whole lives, but still cease to grasp what it really means.
I know it took me a while to understand.
Got your guess?


The word


Wait for it....



Wait! Get your curser off of that red X in the corner! Come back!

I know the word seems cliche, but it really isn't! I promise!

What do you think of when you hear the word grace?
I think of the tons of friends I have named Grace.

As a child, I always thought the word grace meant "letting it be okay even though it's really not."
And in a way, that's kind of what it is.

Grace is something none of us deserve. But guess what?
Grace is given to us anyway.
Grace is one of the hardest things for us humans to give to other people, especially when they are undeserving of it.

But we must give the grace that we have been given. Why? Because we don't deserve it any more or any less than anyone else.

When God sent Jesus to be flogged and whipped up on that cross, He was showing us His grace. How? Jesus' blood shed grace upon our sins. His blood said, "Here, let me give you another chance. Here, let me forgive your sins. Here, let me show you how much I love you despite your mistakes."

I don't really know why this word has been so heavy on my heart lately.
To be honest, this word didn't ever mean much to me until recently, when I finally started to understand.

I think about all the messes I make, and all of my mistakes. Then I think about how God says, "It's okay, child. I still love you." Now THAT is grace.

God has no reason to love me. God has no reason to give me grace. God has no reason to forgive me.
But He does anyway. For no reason. I can't think of any better explanation of grace besides that. He sees me mess everything up. He sees me fail. He sees me betray.

I deserve death.
We all deserve death.
I don't care if you're the "goodest" person out there.
We all deserve death.

But somehow, we are blessed by a God who says, "Let me give you life anyway."

I just don't get it.
I don't think I will ever get it.

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Where Your Comfort Zone Ends, Christ Begins

So you might be wondering why my blog is called Molding Minutes. And you might be wondering, "Who is this Carlie chick?"
Well my blog is called Molding minutes because I believe that every moment you are alive, is a moment that is molding you into who you are supposed to be. Every moment is a chance for you to be a breathing testimony!
I mean, yes, I already have an about me page, but you can only put so much on there without people getting bored out of their minds.
But I really enjoy reading about other people's lives, and if you do too, then you are in the right place!
I am the oldest child in my family. My dad owns his own promotional products business, and my mom is an occupational therapist. They met at a party where my dad was supposed to be on a date with my mom's best friend. Funny how things work out right?
My mom is from St. Louis, and she is a twin. My dad grew up on a farm in a very small town. They had me in the 90's.
Then a year and a half later, my little sister was born. My dad has videos where he would walk into my room to wake me up in the morning, and I would be sitting in my crib singing. And I've been singing every since! When I was two, we moved out into the country.
When I turned four, my parents got me started in piano lessons, and I've been playing ever since that, too! When I was in kindergarten, my next sister was born, and in second grade I started taking voice lessons(and still am:) In third grade, I got started in school plays, then a few years later I branched out into a local Christian theater where I am still performing today.
I've always gone to church. My dad grew up baptist, and my mom grew up catholic, and my mom later "moved over" to Christianity as well.
We have been going to the same church since before I was born and I absolutely love my church still to this day! But you see, sometimes, when you grow up in church, you feel kind of numb. Because a lot of people that grow up in church can end up feeling like they don't have a very powerful testimony, because they've always "known Christ."
That's kind of me. But I have been taught over the years that everyone's testimony affects someone in a different way! And also that we should be thankful for each of our individual journeys that God has placed into our lives!
Lots of my friends that I grew up in church with were getting baptized in elementary school.  I didn't though, because I felt like I didn't understand well enough yet. Don't ever do it before you are ready! I am very glad that I waited!
When I transitioned into middle school (everyone makes a puking sound), I was SO lost. I was a goody two shoes, I didn't really fit in with any group of people, I didn't have any friends from my church. I walked into school on the first day with a lunchbox, backpack, and scarf all with matching patterns from Justice.
Two words.
Bad idea.
I mean, you do you all the way, but don't let your clothes match your backpack...just some friendly advice.
Oh and I had just gotten a perm.
And let's just say, I'm not the most social person, and I wasn't very good at making friends.
I would cry a lot at night, begging my parents not to make me go to school. I had one friend, and nobody would ever sit with us at lunch. Eventually the counselor came and sat with us because that's how sorry she felt for us.
Halfway through 7th grade, it just didn't feel right. I started researching other schools and I found a private Christian school about half an hour away. It took a lot of persuading, but eventually I convinced my parents to let me go there. AND I LOVED IT.
There were about 20 people in every grade, preschool through senior year.  Of course it wasn't perfect, but the teachers cared about you and would talk to you about anything. Everyone was friends with everyone, and that's where I met almost all of my best friends.
I went there seventh through ninth grade. That school changed me for the better. I don't believe I would be where I am today if it weren't for such a strong support system there.
I didn't leave the school because it was bad. It's just that when High school hit, it just wasn't quite the place for what I wanted.
It had a great education, filled with great educators and peers! I just didn't feel like the block schedule was challenging me to the right extent, and I didn't feel like I was musically excelling. Because of the short staff and student body, there wasn't a lot of opportunity for clubs, activities, and college opportunities matching what I wanted personally.
In tenth grade, I decided to go back to public school. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I knew it was best. And I'm very glad I trusted that instinct, because this year has also been influential for me. I have been put way beyond my comfort zone, which is exactly what I needed.
And the best part?
I still have all my best friends from my old school!
Going back to public school was not something I wanted to do. Not at all. It was what I needed to do, and what I felt called to do. Now every morning when I walk into school, I am greeted by my fellow Christian friends, and throughout the day, I am able to represent Christ to other people who are lost and broken just like me.
Despite all the icky stuff, I have to admit, I love life. I love my life. I love my God. I love cheesecake. And I love you! And your story matters, too. And I would love to hear it.
Just remember: the way you live your life influences the people around you, whether you think it does or not! Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Because where your comfort zone ends, Christ begins.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


I’m sure if I asked you to make a list of all the things you liked and didn’t like about yourself, that your dislike list would probably be longer. 
But you see, we are so often caught up in all of our flaws, that we forget that through God, our flaws make us flawLESS. 
Yes, flawless. 

God is like a hero who takes the stage 
We’re all on the edge of our seats saying, “It’s too late." 
But no, let me introduce you to amazing grace.

You may have heard the song though it is relatively new. I heard it for the first time this morning, and just liked a lot of the lyrics. 
Flawless by MercyMe. 

No matter the bumps 
No matter the bruises 
No matter the scars 
No matter the hurt 
Or how deep the wound is 
No matter the pain 
Still the truth is that the cross has made you flawless

That’s often hard for us to believe. 
That God could possibly forgive ALL of our sins and flaws. It blows our mind!

Could it possibly be that we simply can’t believe 
That this unconditional kind of love would be enough 
To take a filthy wretch like this and wrap him up in righteousness?
But that’s exactly what He did 

Don’t get so caught up in all of your imperfections that you forget to 

“Take a breath smile and say 
Right here right now I’m ok 

Because the cross was enough."

Monday, March 9, 2015

Who's Driving?

So I'm going to get my license on Thursday and I'm really excited, right? I had my final driving lesson yesterday, and I'm ready to go. 
But then yesterday, my friend looks at me and goes, "What if you don't pass?"
Then I got to thinking how our lives are so much like driving. 
To me, driving is stressful. There's cars going in every direction, people around you being careless and stupid, etc. So here is what I'm thinking. 
We all have destinations in driving, and in life, and we all have to take certain roads to get there. 
The red lights are God telling us be patient. You will get to the right place eventually. 
The yellow lights are God telling us to wait for His perfect timing.
The green lights are Him telling us to go for it!
The stop signs are Him saying, "Wait just a sec and listen to what I have to say!"
The people honking behind you are the people trying to discourage you and drag you down. 
The people in your car are the people you love, the people that are there for you to encourage you in your faith. 
The rain is the little things in life that make your vision blurry, but God is the windshield wipers, ready to make things clear again. 
The ice is what tries to slide you off the road, but the ditch is God saying, "Here, let me catch you."
The sleet is going to give you scars and bruises, but the safety of God's wing says, "Here, let me give you shelter."
The AC is God saying, "Let me comfort you."
The pedal is saying to follow your dreams, but the brake says, "Don't forget to slow down and enjoy every step."
The emergency break is there to help you not slide backwards, but sometimes that doesn't always work. But God is the curb that catches you. 
The flashing yellow arrow is God saying, "What is your intuition telling you?"
That voice on your GPS is like the devil, and you just want to yell, "Shut up!"
The car war wash is God there, ready to wipe off your hurt, blood, and failures. The garage door that opens after the drying is God saying, "Go back out there, son, and when you come back I will still be here."
The person on the road begging for money is 'the least of these.' "For however you treat the least of these is how you have treated me."
Pretty elaborate, I know. But it's the little things. 
Of course, when God is driving your life, it can't get any better than that. But I sure am excited to drive my own car. :)  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Love: The Living, Laughing Legacy

Oh love. 
Love love love love love. 
We hear that word all the time. 
“I love cheeseburgers.”
“I love that color on you!”
“I love coffee.”
“I love you.”
“I love Jesus.”
But you see, when we look back at all those statements, it doesn’t exactly seem that they could all be talking about the same exact action. Love. 
I’m not saying that you can’t love coffee.
But what I am saying is that the word “love” in today’s culture is so often used that it sometimes loses its meaning. 
It is often used even though it is not meant. 
Sometimes people have a hard time believing that someone could love them. Why?
Because maybe the person that said, “I love you,” ended up leaving you. 
I’m not saying that when someone says, “I love you,” that they never mean it. Because many do.  
This is a quote I saw a while back. I’m not sure where, but I think it’s cute. 
“And in a weak moment, you realize that ‘I love you’ does not mean ‘I like you’, and in fact often means ‘I don’t like you right now, but I love you’…” -Jessie Nickson
When you say you love your cheeseburger, maybe in fact you do love your cheeseburger. Maybe you would do anything to save your cheeseburger. I don’t know your life! :P
But I do know that the word “love” should not be used lightly. 
Sure, the word “love” can often take a long time to say to someone, depending on who they are. But also, you don’t have to know someone to love them. 
You could see a stranger on the sidewalk, and do something for them that says “I love you,” and you wouldn't even have to say it! (If you did, they might be kinda freaked out…)
In fact, people often say “I love you” through their actions more than their words. 
Jesus has called us to love everyone. Yes, everyone. The criminal, the president, the person that hurt you. Sometimes, we think it is impossible. But it’s not. It’s just really really hard. 
Luke 6:35 
35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.
Ephesians 4:2
2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
1 John 4:8
8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
I was listening to K-Love this morning, and this man was talking about how yesterday he had almost died in a plane crash. He talked about how when he woke up this morning, he felt this renewed purpose for himself and his life. And that purpose was to go out and love. He said 
“Let our lives be a spillage of love.”
“Because love is the living, laughing legacy.”
I love that!
Let our love be a legacy! The only thing we will really leave behind on this Earth is the love we gave to others. How amazing is that!
So let us love like the Father has loved us!  Let us love like it is the only thing we have to give! 

Let us love. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

God is Stronger

God’s stronger than whatever is holding you back. It’s as simple as that. Short, and sweet.
But first, what is holding you back?
Your past? Your failures? Your disability? 
Sometimes things that happen to us seem so extreme that we forget there is still something bigger. 
We think, ‘God couldn’t possibly want me when my body is in this state.’ ‘God couldn’t possibly forgive me for what a horrible thing I did.’ ‘God couldn’t possibly love a wretch like me.’
I think at certain times in our lives, we all believe these lies. 
Yes, that’s right. Lies. 
Nothing you could ever do, say, or feel could ever keep God from wanting you, loving you or forgiving you.
You say, “That’s not possible.”
Oh yes it is. 
1 John 3:1 What love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!
1 John 3:20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

1 John 4:4 the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We Are All Human

We are all human
Whose sins are equal,
Created in the same image
& Loved the same amount by the same Creator

None of us perfect
We’re all so different,
And sometimes were forget that we all deserve acceptance

We are all human
Black, white
Gay, straight
Criminal, innocent
Disabled, or not

We’re beautiful creatures
With amazing minds,
Unexplainable abilities,
With worth undefined

We are all human
Under sin’s curse
We have feelings and talents
But we don’t watch our words

We build up and destroy
We cause pain, sadness
Confidence and joy

We are all human
Lazy as can be
We forget how big this world is
And all we think is, “me, me, me”

We judge the abnormal
Yet no one knows what normal is apart from predefined conception

We are all human 
With different beliefs
On what love is, 
How we should live,
& what life’s outcome is

We know what we want
And we know how to get it
Though our destiny is preplanned
Right down to the minute

We are all human
And the way we treat each other is absurd
Are we making love clearer
Or are we making it blurred?

We forget to be cautious
We forget to say, “Thanks”
Let’s invest in each other like we do in our banks

We are all human
We think a lot, 
We pass by love,
We don’t laugh enough
And we talk way too much

When’s the last time you made someones day
With a simple hello 
Or “You’re beautiful by the way”

We are all human 
And I don’t mean to rant
But when’s the last time you stretched out your arm to help someone stand?

When you’re close to the end 
& You take a look back,
Do you want to regret everything that you lacked?

We are all human 
& We must try harder
To change this world
And further the kingdom of our father

With listening ears,
Laughter and love
With kindness and grace
Like God above

We are all human
Imperfect as can be
Unaware of what we are capable of
With a simple smile
Or an act of selfless love

Stand up against judgement and violence and hate
Live in such a way
That you have no time to waste

We are all human
Trying to ‘play it safe’
But where will you get
If You don’t step out on the water
& Have a little faith

We can help this damaged world
If we’d just have a heart
If we are all human

Start treating everyone as if they are. 

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