Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It's a Good Life

I finished up my sociology 2 test this morning, checked my email, tried to do anything to pass the time..
And then this random thought popped into my head. 
It’s a good life. 

Seriously though, it really is. 

In the past 6 days alone, I’ve
*Watched a movie with some of my best friends
*Pigged out on Dairy Queen with my family before picking mom up at the airport
*Taught my preschoolers
*Had a great meeting with my fellow musicians at church
*Finally figured out how to balance my chemical equations in Chemistry
*Aced a pre calculus quiz where I had no idea what in the world I was doing
*Gone to Shrek rehearsal
*Worshipped Jesus with thousands of other followers
And so much more.

Guys, it really is a good life. 
And it’s not because of these small little worldly get togethers and victories. 
It’s because God has placed me here in this moment. 
He’s placed me here with amazing, loving friends and family. 
He’s placed me here to impact other’s lives. 
He’s placed me here to use my talents to glorify Him. 
He’s placed me here and given me all the knowledge I need to succeed, scholarly and biblically. 
He has placed me here. He knows me. And He loves me. 
And that is why it’s a good life. 

Sure, not everything about it is good. At least, not in the moment. 
Actually, sometimes things really suck!
People get on your nerves or they hurt you. 
You get discouraged after spending hours studying and bombing a test. 
You become overwhelmed and stressed out by your busy schedule. 

There’s so many little things about life that are really….well, nasty. 
But it’s those small little gross things about life that make you enjoy and appreciate the small, good things so much more. 

In the midst of the chaos this morning, no matter what you are doing, sit back….and think about how blessed you are. 
Think about how good your life is. 
Thank God for all the little blessings He has placed in your life. 
Thank Him for the wonderful people he has placed in your journey, despite what they have done to you. 
Thank Him for all the bad things He has brought your way, and thank Him for using those things to show you the bigger picture. 
Thank Him, ya’ll. 

Cause it’s a real good life. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Alrighty people. Today, we are going to talk about…..

And the things in life that drag us down. 
And how we can use those things to encourage us!

So let’s use an analogy. We students carry around backpacks with heavy books all day long. In the same way, the rocks (struggles) in our backpack (life) weigh us down. 
After all, they do say, “No pain, no gain,” right?
As Clayton Small once said, “Life is pregnant with possibilities, but some deliveries are hard.”

Before you can move on to the point where your trials encourage you, there’s a few things you have to do first. 

*Figure out what your Goliath is. Your idol. Your comfort. Your sin. Sometimes abandoning what you love is what you must do in order to obey Christ. And remember that your comfort zone is where we never find out how God will use us. When we pretend we aren’t broken or thirsty-we short circuit God’s grace in our lives.

*Get into the Word! Not growing in your faith is simply caused by lack of passion. After all, you are only as passionate as you intend to be. *Ouch. That one stung.* Strenuously commit yourself to growing spiritually. 

*Recognize that apart from God you can do nothing, and know that God loves you! 
There is a shack inside of me. It is dirty and moldy. But then Jesus comes in and I say, “What are you doing here?” and he says to me “I love you. Right here.”
Acknowledge the nature of your heart, because your heart has the capacity to do more wrong than we care to admit. Ask God to search your heart. Allow god to change your heart. 
God looks at us and says, “I knew what you were going to do every day of your life, and still I sent Jesus to the cross, and still it was worth it.

*Remember that good things take time. God is bigger than all of our sins and brokenness!! 

*Stop ignoring your sin!! 
Don’t ignore bad habits, unhealthy relationships, or tough circumstances. You will become overwhelmed! Leave your baggage at the cross and stop embracing it! 
Misplaced desires will ruin you spiritually. The area of your life that keeps you from Christ is the area that is least surrendered to him. 
The best thing that can happen in your life is to get caught in your sin. And if you have trouble recognizing a sin, ask yourself, “Would I do this if Jesus were standing right next to me?” (aka, he always is). Remember that if you know something is wrong, but you continue to do it anyway without feeling guilty, that’s where you have a problem. 

*Don’t give up. Because if you bail, you fail. When you bail during conflict, you are robbing yourself of what God is trying to do in your life.

*Be intentional with your decisions. That is how you will grow and make disciples. 

Okay, now you may be wondering, how in the world can these terrible aspects of life encourage me or motivate me…..?
You’re probably thinking I’m psycho. 
But I’m not! I promise!

Okay…well maybe just a little…but that’s beside the point.

When you are struck with trials, stand strong in your faith, and don't let them get you down! Just because you fail does not mean you are a failure!
God sends us trials so that he can examine our heart. We don’t always understand why He sends us these trials, but we must trust Him! He allows bad things to happen to us so that we can show people how to glorify Him in all stages of our life!
It may not seem like it, but mistakes grow your faith!

When you take step back and look at your life, remember that God can do immeasurably more. Remember that the safest place you can ever be is in the center of God’s will. God’s will is accomplished through difficulties and frustrating times. Simply open up your eyes to see how God is using your circumstances to shape your life, and don’t let your circumstances discourage you. It is not the circumstance that stinks, it’s the way you interpret it. After all, we only see a piece of the puzzle, where as God sees the whole finished masterpiece. 

Until we are put in a situation where God is all we have, we realize he is all we need. Our weakness is a platform for God’s strength, and we must dig beneath our discouragement and there we will find our foundation. If we just have confidence in God, you will feel secure in times of defiance.

Take your situations and don’t ask why anymore.. Ask how are you going to use this through me to the impact of the world. 
Don’t blame God. Know that he won’t push you over, but he will allow you to fall. God uses our pain to bring others to Him. 

The desert is a growling place. Living for God is not easy, but it’s worth it. If God is not at the center, all else will be a mess. 

“May God send us on the path that is not the easiest so that we may see His face."

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

You are the light. Live like it.

*This post is coming from a mix of different things, and not all of these words are my own. It’s coming from sermon notes that I’ve taken over the years, Pastor Merle’s sermon last Sunday, Chuck’s lesson from home groups this past Sunday, “Jesus Swagger” by Jarrid Wilson, and “Rise” by Trip Lee. And of course, the Bible. :)*

I have a proposal for you and here it is: 
Stop just being a believer, and start being a follower. Don’t just be a Christian, be godly. There IS a difference.
A believer shares Jesus when it’s comfortable. They conform under pressure. They twist the Bible to fit their lifestyle, and they only pray when things are hard. 
A follower shares Jesus regardless of their scenario. They hold fast against temptation. They twist their life to fit the Bible, and they give thanks in every circumstance. 

You can be a Christian, and not be godly. 
If you don’t represent Christ, how are you any different than any other person in the world?
Underneath your good deeds and pretty words, are you anything more than a poser? It’s the heart that matters. It’s one thing to claim a love for God’s word and commandments, and divine guidance, but it’s a completely different thing when one actually tries to live out their life based on these things. 

What good is it if we go to church every week, and pray every night, but we never let the message of Jesus change who we are? It’s like planting a seed in cement. 

Imagine if every person who called themselves Christian actually followed the ways of Christ, and completely turned away from living life for their own desires. The world would change, we would see hope and transformation. Imagine if everyone who claimed to love Jesus actually did and if everyone who called themselves a Christian put more effort into serving their neighbors than catering to their selfish wants. 

Our motives most change. Our focus must be reunited with the gospel. And our passion must be fueled by what God is doing through us, not just what he can do for us. We need to allow Jesus to become more than just a person we believe in: he needs to be a person we also relentlessly follow and hunger to be more like. 

A lot of people may ask, “Well how exactly do I do this?” Of course, I don’t have all the answers, but I’m hoping to help you out. 
It’s quite simple, actually. Just follow what the Bible has to say. Do not seek revenge, and be generous to those who steal from you. Give to those in need, but don’t make a show of it. Pray quietly. Forgive others when they sin against you. Don’t judge others, and many more. 

You resemble your values, and your attitude and actions ARE your identity. Remember to be on mission in all circumstances. 
Ask yourself, “What sets me apart from the rest of the world? Is how I act consistent with who I am in Christ? Can others see God in my words and actions? From the outside looking in, can people see the God I claim to follow?” 
Following god does not mean you have to be perfect, but it does mean you have to be obedient. 
No, we are not expected to attain the same holiness as God, but we are expected to strive for it. 

The way you walk talk and present yourself matters when it comes to your faith because if you claim to be a Christian, outsiders expect you to act like one. 
You are automatically held to a higher standard.
Some of us think too highly of ourselves. In our pride, we think this wrongness and evil chaos is completely outside of ourselves. We tell ourselves that our sin is “Okay, because God knows my heart.”

Gandhi once said of Christians, “I loved your Christ, but disliked your Christianity.” Ouch. 

The temptation is just too strong? God gives you the strength to say no, you just have to choose it. 
We CANNOT keep sinning just because we know God will forgive us. 
That means you must not give sin a vote in the way you conduct your life!! Don’t give it the time of day. Don’t even run little errands that are connected with it. Throw yourselves wholeheartedly and full time toward God and his way of doing things.
Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?
No, our mistakes do not define who we are, but we aren’t supposed to take this gift and run with it or ignore God! We are supposed to pursue him and thank him for the liberation he has provided us. 

No matter the circumstance, you are called to reflect an image that portrays the purity and boldness of christ himself. At a party, around your non-Christian friends, in school, at church, EVERYWHERE. NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE. 

Ask yourself these questions.
  1. When our gospel centered tweets and faith driven Facebook posts are stripped away, and we are left with nothing more than our hearts and a face to face conversation with God, who are we then?
  2. What are you making God known for?  Cussing? Drinking? Drugs? Partying? Judgement? Hate? 
  3. At the end of your life, how many will people know that you lived for Jesus? What about your everyday attitude will leave them wondering about the greatness of your God? Will it be the way you treated people? The confidence you walked with? The way you feared God and loved without limits, shared your faith, and modeled Jesus? 
  4. What in my life promotes controversy with God’s work?
  5. Is what I’m doing causing others to stumble?

When our faith in Jesus ends with the way we decorate our public appearance, we need to stop, evaluate ourselves, and realize that we are heading down a road of false assurance. 

Teens this is for you especially. I want to bring it down to one thing. Your words. Your words are more important than you think. This past weekend we talked about Isaiah’s words, and this is exactly what Pastor Merle said.

Maybe Isaiah’s words were unfiltered critical words about people he didn’t even know. Maybe Isaiah cussed.
But remember that it’s out of the heart that the mouth overflows.
Unclean lips say we believe in god but live in a way that doesn’t demonstrate it. Unclean lips is seeing what’s wrong with everyone else but not what is faulty in ourselves.
"Those who use lots of profanity just have small vocabularies.”

Yes, maybe everyone else cusses. Maybe everyone else gossips. BUT WE ARE CHRIST FOLLOWERS. WE ARE NOT EVERYONE ELSE. 
And if you think the way you act and talk is irrelevant to your walk with Christ, you are DEAD WRONG. They are a direct correlation with your relationship with Christ. 
In a world of constant conformity, god has called us to be different, set apart.  Following God is a lifestyle that resembles Jesus to the fullest, not worrying about the opinions of others, but instead holds firm to a foundation in Christ alone, one that is able to anything the world throws at you. 
Pure hearts do not speak poorly. It’s as simple as that. 

Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 
James 3:2  We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
James 3:10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.

For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.

We’ve become a tribe of people who rank our faith in a measurement of likes, re tweets and memory verses. We need to up our game. 
So here is what we must do. We must be generous, open, loving, and have a total dependence on God. We need to be forgiving, slow to anger, and overflowing with compassion. We are supposed to sacrifice our comfort and the sinful things that we love. 
Yes, bad stuff happens. But you have the choice of how to respond. You have to choose recovery for yourself. 

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

But you are the light. Live like it. Make the most of every opportunity. Don’t be foolish. Understand God’s will. BE CAREFUL HOW YOU LIVE. In a world of darkness, war, and self righteousness, the light you give off could help many down the narrow path we are called to walk. 

So allow the message of Jesus to penetrate the core of your heart, releasing an overflow of love, selflessness, and servanthood that goes beyond mere appearances, and makes a positive difference. 

Friday, January 1, 2016


So pretty much everyone makes a New Year's Resolution, right?
But how many of us actually end up doing them? (Cause I know I don't)

I started making New Year's Resolutions in 3rd grade, and they've always been like super specific.
Like last year, I'm pretty sure they were like "Read Bible for 15 minutes every day" and "Exercise five times per week".

But I've come to realize that the more specific I make my resolutions, the less likely I am to live up to them. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I've decided to do it a little bit differently this year. So here it goes,

My 2016 Resolutions:

1. Practice piano more frequently. If I'm being honest, I practice about 4 days out of the week, but I only end up practicing for 10-15 minutes, on a good day. Being a perfectionist, I do this thing where- after 10 minutes- I end up getting so frustrated that I'm just done. So I gotta work on that :)

2. Take more pictures. Capture more memories.

3. Read more. I've started this resolution early. I am in the process of reading
Rise by Trip Lee,
Jesus Swagger by Jarrid Wilson,
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey,
Everything Counts by Steven Case,
and Love Does by Bob Goff (for the 400,000th time)
ALL OF THESE BOOKS ARE AMAZING.  I RECOMMEND THEM TO YOU. (Love Does for teens and adults, and all the others I would recommend to teens). THEY ARE AMAZING.

4. Run a half marathon again.

5. Drink less caffeine. There's no way in the world I can go without my coffee every morning before school, but I can stop with the excessive chocolate and Dr. Pepper. (hopefully)

6. Keep my room and car cleaner. This resolution is born from my mom's constant nagging. And maybe she's kind of right. Sometimes. (love you mom)

7. Fast from my phone more often. Maybe make it a monthly thing? I've always had great results from fasting, but I just need to figure out a schedule. Maybe the first week of every month? I don't know, I'll figure it out.

8. GET A JOB. I LITERALLY have applied to at least 7 places in the last month or two, and NOT ONE has been interested. I have a list of about 20 places that I am going to apply to in the next couple of weeks so I pray to the Lord above that AT LEAST ONE OF THEM will hire me.

9. Do more blogging. (you can obviously see I'm starting that resolution right now)

10. Get better at guitar. I'm always so focused on my schoolwork, choir stuff, and piano that I tend to forget about my guitar. So my goal this year is to improve and spend more time playing it.

So people, those are my 2016 resolutions. And it will be very interesting when this pops up on my timehope on January 1, 2017 [Graduating year, man that's really weird to think about], and see how many of these I have accomplished. Hopefully all of them.

I hope and pray that all your 2016s are spectacular
With love,

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