Friday, April 24, 2015

My Special Olympics Rant

Here’s my rant for the day
Today is what our school calls Strut and Stroll, where we spend time walking around the gym, to raise money for special olympics. So in other words, it is a special olympics fundraiser. 
My second hour teacher got into a debate with a student in my class. I heard someone arguing that having special olympic fundraising during school is completely inappropriate because it’s not educational. She also stated that, “our taxes are for students to go to school and get an education and fundraising for special olympics does not do that.

To say the least, I was angry. I’m pretty sure there was steam coming out of my ears. 
Here’s what I have to say. 
I have always had a heart for the disabled. They are my personal passion, and they inspire me. 

On that note, special education fundraising is SO educational. 
Because raising awareness is vital. By taking time out of our day to raise money for special olympics, we are learning about human decency. We are learning that despite our different minds and capabilities, people are people, and we need to support each other regardless. 
Learning human decency is much more educational than half of the stuff we learn in our classes, because human decency is actually stuff we will need to use and should use in our everyday lives. 

By doing this: we are teaching acceptance of others. We are teaching equality between all people. We are teaching opportunity equality as well. We are teaching love. And what is more important in life than love? 

No, it isn’t the same type of learning we do in our classes, but seriously, it’s one day. We can’t take ONE DAY to show kids with special olympics that they matter?

And regarding the “taxes” issue…No, I don’t personally pay taxes, but my parents do. But if I were a parent, I would say, "you’re going to take my taxes for one day, even though you aren’t teaching algebra and history? Oh, wait, what’s that? You’re going to be fundraising for kids with special needs? Well heck with algebra. Take my taxes anyway.”

Yes, taxes are a pain in the butt, and yes, it’s money going away. But seriously, it’s ONE DAY. One day in 9 months of school. 
If you don’t want to support kids with special needs, that’s your own issue. But you don’t need to talk about how you disagree with it, because that’s just rude. 

I say “Love.”
I say “Forget schoolwork for one day.”

You don’t have to agree with me, but I’m not here to make you agree with me. 

Special olympics awareness and fundraising during school is not only convenient, it is educational in it’s own way.

 Just accept. Just encourage. Just love. 

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say I love your blog and especially love this rant. 👌🏻


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