Monday, November 16, 2015

Keep Looking Forward

Matthew 14:22-33
The disciples were together in the boat, and Jesus met them by walking on the water. At first they were very frightened, because they thought he was a ghost, but Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid!” 
Peter doubted him and said, “Lord if it is you, tell me to come out onto the water,” and Jesus said, “Come.”
Peter then got out of the boat and he walked on the water to Jesus. Peter became distracted by the wind and the waves surrounding him, and he then began to sink. He cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Christ replied, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt me?” Christ took his hand and led him back into the boat, and the winds ceased. 

I’m sure we have all heard this story before. I know I have. But two years ago, I heard a fellow student give a sermon on it, and it has been one of my favorites ever since. 

Imagine this analogy. We are Peter, and the water is our lives. 
Jesus has called us out to come and follow him in faith, and so we do. We step out of the boat and into the water. 
All of a sudden, we realize that we are surrounded by a raging storm. The winds are howling, the waves are crashing over us, and we become sidetracked. We take our eyes off of Christ, and we immediately begin to sink.
Sounds about right to me. 
We have faith in Christ until things become rough, and then we become scared, distracted, and we begin to doubt that Christ is enough for us. And when this happen, we become overwhelmed and life drowns us. 

But if we keep our eyes on Christ through the storm, we will not sink! We will prosper!
Is it easy? Of course not! But Christ doesn’t call us to live an easy life! He calls us out of our comfort zones, into places where we are scared and uncomfortable, and to remain having faith in Him through all of it!

When your family is separated, when your heart is breaking, when you’re in an uncomfortable atmosphere, when life is defeating you, Christ says, “Child! You of little faith! Look to me! Look into my eyes! Reach out to me! I will not let you drown in the storms of life! Look to me and HAVE FAITH!”

Does that mean that Christ won’t let us fall? Of course not. But it does mean that if we look to Christ, he will help us back up again. 

Life is difficult. This world is broken. We are imperfect. 
But Christ is big enough. Christ is enough. We must have faith and look to him in all circumstances, even when it’s hard. He will help you through. He will guide you. 

So when Christ calls you to step out of the boat and into the storm, do not be overwhelmed or distracted by the trials and tribulations! Don’t take your eyes off of Christ! Follow him with all of your being, do not lose your faith in times that you need it most! I have done it. You have done it. 

So here’s the gist.

Christ calls each and every one of us out of our comfort zones. But he doesn’t tell us that we have to do it alone. He calls us out and then commands us to look at him and follow him despite the storms going on around us. He calls us to have faith in Him in all circumstances. And if we do, He will help us to overcome our winds and waves. 

Psalms 121: 1 I lift my eyes up to the mountains. Where does my help come from? 

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