Thursday, March 3, 2016

Life is a Highway

I was brainstorming all day yesterday, trying to come up with blog ideas and I was getting nothing. But then God did that really cool thing that He does where he like randomly pops an idea into your brain at the most random time.
I was just sitting at a red light, at a four way intersection, patiently waiting my turn. I was watching all the other car’s lights turn green, yellow, then red. I was just like “UGH when is it going to be my turn!!!”

And then God was like “Plop. There’s your blog idea.”

Woah. Bro. God’s cool. 

Anyway, here’s what a mean. 
I’m going to refer to life like it is a road, and we are the cars. 

When you’re waiting for God to do something in your life, it’s not always easy to sit around waiting and watching while other people’s lights are turning green. It feels like your light is the only one that’s red and everyone else is getting a turn except you. But in the right timing, God will turn your light green, too. 

No ones life experiences are supposed to happen exactly at the same time. They are supposed to happen in God’s timing…And sometimes that means waiting. 

And then we’ve got the people who are always riding our tails. These cars are like the people in life that are always bugging us, discouraging us, telling us we need to go faster or do things their way. But that’s not the case!!! 
We shouldn’t listen to people that are telling us we need to live our lives a certain way or talk, dress, or act a different way. 
God has called us to be individuals, striving only to live according to His word and His truth. All we need to worry about is going God’s direction and driving God’s speed. No one else’s. 

And lastly, we’ve got the car wrecks. The crashes. The fender benders. The breaking downs. 
In life, we’ve got catastrophes. We’ve got failures. We’ve all got places where we crash and burn. 

But then we just take ourselves over to the “car-fixer-upper” (aka God :P).
We tell him all of the things that are wrong with us, and then he puts us back together again. 

It’s a pretty beautiful cycle. 
It’s a pretty beautiful life. 

And He is a very gracious, good God. 

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