I was singing on stage yesterday, helping lead worship. There was a little boy, probably 3 or 4, who was sitting in the front row with his mom. About halfway through worship, he walked away from his mom, and came and sat up on the stairs leading up to the worship stage. He only sat there for about 3 seconds until his mom made him come back, but I know he had me smiling, as well as a few others. It got me thinking about how the Bible calls us to be like children in our faith. This little boy was not afraid to sit on the stairs and face the audience of 1000+ people. He just wanted to do what he wanted to do.
Luke 18:17 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Children are innocent. Well, most of the time. Mostly anything you tell a small child, they will believe. God wants us to be the same. When He tells us things, He wants us to simply believe Him. He wants us to climb up on His lap, look into His eyes and smile, saying “Hi Jesus!!”
Little children are often very excited to get to go to Kid’s Group at church or to get to sit in the congregation with the big people. We should also be the same. We should treasure the moments we get to spend with our family in Christ, and we should treasure the insight we receive from the people within our church.
So as the Bible says, let us come to the Lord as little children.
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