Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Love: Emotion? Or action?

When non-believers look at you, do they see more of what you are against, or more of Who you are for? Do they see you showing the love of Christ? God wants our lives to be full of abandon, whimsy, and in love. He wants us to be engaged in and with life!
When people hear the words you say, how does it make them feel? Words can launch us. We don’t need to be important to say words that can change everything for someone. Instead, God made it so that ordinary people like you and me can launch each other. I believe it’s true that the right people can say words that can change everything. And guess what? We’re the ones who can say them! Words can shape people, and words of encouragement have so much power!
Love is a DO thing. It’s an energy that has to be dissipated!
 Love pursues blindly, unflinchingly, and without end. When you go after something you love, you’ll do ANYTHING it takes to get it, even if it costs everything. 
When loving like Christ, we must remember that most people aren’t bad in the traditional sense. I mean, they aren’t malicious or plotting a bank robbery or setting up scams. The people I know, they are mostly aiming their crosshairs at stuff like being loved, not being lonely, finding some security, and a bunch of other things that are actually pretty normal and worth pursuing. In fact, I think God put it in our hearts to aim for those things, and it’s nice when we actually hit those targets. 
When loving like Christ and living like Christ, there’s nothing on the other side of the equals sign, just Jesus.
God has set up this thing like reverse psychology: You want to receive, you give. If you want to lead, you follow. 
We won’t be able to love like Christ if we are letting Satan drive our lives. It’s simple though, just tell Satan to pull over, and then get out of the car!! 
As Christ followers, we must be Jesus to the world around us! What’s God’s plan for the whole world?—buckle up: it’s us.  We aren’t just supposed to be observers, listeners, or have a bunch of opinions. We’re not here to let everyone know what we agree and don’t agree with, because, frankly, who cares? Tell me about the God you love; tell me about what He has inspired uniquely in you; tell me about what you’re going to do about it, and a plan for your life will be pretty easy to figure out from there! I guess what I’m saying is that most of us don’t get an audible plan for our lives. It’s way better than that. We get to be God’s plan for the whole world by pointing people toward Him.
If you think that God can’t use you to love others because you are in a bad state in your life, think again! There’s no place we can go where God can’t rescue us. God pursues us despite whatever dark place we’ve landed and behind whatever locked door holds us in. He holds our unwashed and dirty hands and models how He wants us to pursue each other. He doesn’t pass us messages, instead He passes us each other.
Love is our only real weapon. Don’t just read about God’s instructions on loving! Go out and DO IT! Jesus never talked about just building consensus; He wanted us to build a kingdom instead! That’s the way the chemistry of God’s love and our creativity work together when combined. No reservoir can hold it, no disappointment can stop it, and no impediment can contain it. It can’t be waved off, put off , or shut down.

Love does whatever it takes to multiply itself and somehow along the way everyone becomes a part of it. Why? Because that’s what love does. 


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