Friday, June 12, 2015

Summerfest 2015

This week I went to the most amazing camp of my life, my favorite week of the summer every year. I realize many people are not able to attend, so this blog is strictly about what I learned and took away from camp this week. 
Many of these words are from Jason Curry. Christ puts amazing words in his mouth!


Our theme this week was paradox. 
A paradox is something that should be the opposite of what it actually is. 
Here are the paradoxes we focused on:
  1. If you want to get life, you must lose it
  2. If you want to be filled, you must empty yourself

Some other great things we learned were:
1. You can’t invite someone unless you’re going somewhere
2 You can only live like Christ by living through Christ
3. A heart filled with Christ, breaks like the heart of Christ


Sometimes we flee from Christ because we think how could God ever love a wretch like me? But God says, “There’s no need to cover what I already saved. I loved you before you knew what love was. I saw it all and still I chose the cross. So rid of your shackles. My victory is yours.” -Steffany Gretzinger. 
God says, “I knew what you were going to do every single day of your life, and still I sent my son, and still he chose the cross.” And if you look over at Jesus he says, “And it was worth it.” We are worth it, even though we don’t deserve it. 


God calls us to grow our faith. Here are some things to remember when doing so:
  1. God doesn’t always answer our requests the way we want. Like a good Father, He answers in the way that is best for us, even when we don’t understand it. 
  2. Things won’t always be easy, but God will always be there
  3. Temporary pleasure<eternal treasure
  4. John 16:33 In this world, you WILL have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world! --God promises to give you more than you can handle. 
  5. Your most painful moments are the most influential to other people, because it gives them a chance to see you living by faith in hard times. 
  6. You get through pain by God’s love. When you look around and ask if God cares, you must hurry to the cross and see Him there.(-Martin Luther) There is no pain that you face that Christ did not suffer. 
  7. You get through pain with God’s people. We can’t do it alone. 
  8. A student ministry is students who minister to students. Don’t attend, Lead. 
  9. You get through pain with God’s Word. Psalms 119:105 Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
  10. Matthew 7:24 He who roots his life in the Word and lives by it has built their house on the Rock, and the storm will not cause the house to fall. Everyone gets the storm, but everyone gets the choice of building their shelter on the sand, or the Rock.
  11. The most important part of your faith is the part where you don’t give up, give in, or take the easy way out. 
  12. The first step to intentionally growing your faith is to identify what stands in the way of it. 
  13. Stop letting distractions cause you to live for yourself.
  14. Live a life of action and growth, worthy of the Lord. 
  15. 15. You can talk yourself in and out of anything. NEVER TRUST YOUR HEART, only trust the word of God.
  16. Follow Jesus in all areas of your life, giving yourself to others to make the world a better place in Christ’s name. 
  17. To live the life God desires for us, we must be committed to growing our faith. 
  18. Stop embracing your baggage. 
  19. Sometimes the best thing that can happen in your life is to get caught in your sin. 
  20. Remember that Jesus never said, “You must earn.” He only says, “I will give.” 
  21. We are stiff in our faith because we believe our plan is better than God's
  22. The area that keeps you from God is the area that is least surrendered to Him. 
  23. A yoke is a wooden plank that two animals carry on their necks. The animals must be in sync to keep the plank level. Nothing can grow where yokes are unequal. 
  24. If you face opposition, you’re probably going the right way
  25. Living for God isn’t easy, but it’s worth it
  26. There is a wall in everyone’s life. The wall is Christ, whom we stand on. The wall keeps our city safe from the enemy’s destruction. Don’t come off the wall. Don’t give in to your sin. STAY ON THE WALL. Because if you come off the wall, it will fall down. 
  27. God uses our pain to lead others to Christ
  28. Take your painful situations and stop asking why! Start asking how you are going to use it to the glory of God
  29. People who do not follow Christ are not enemies. They are brothers. Show them love. Show them the same love that Christ has shown us. 
  30. If you went to heaven today and got to look down on Earth at all the people who grew closer to Christ because of you, would there be anyone to look at?


Here are some scriptures to read to help you take the next step in growing your faith and owning your faith. 
*1 Thess 2:13-14 In the beginning God chose you. He called you through the gospel, that you may share glory in Christ. 
*1 Thess 3:5 May God direct your heart to His love and perserverance
*1 Tim 1:15 Christ came to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. I was shown mercy so that in me, Christ might display his unlimited patients as an example to non believers around me. 


It’s your life. It’s your faith. Take charge. Move forward. Take ownership of your relationship with Jesus. You’re ready.

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