Monday, August 3, 2015

The 7 Faith Killers

Back in March, I attended a conference with my youth group called Ignite. I was thinking about that conference today and how much I loved it, so I figured why not share it with all of you wonderful people?

My favorite session that I attended that weekend was called "The 7 Faith Killers".
He started out with saying that most Christians in our society are the definition of "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism." Big words, I know! This means that we 1. think as long as we're nice that 2. God will give us good things because 3. God isn't scary or big, He just takes care of us.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: No passion.

1. Family of Origin. Your family's beliefs, church attendance, and relationships are all vital to your faith. Of course, your faith is all your own, but letting the ones you love get in the way of that can either be very harmful or very helpful.

2. Lack of Positive Peer Support. If you want to grow, you must surround yourself with people who are growing. An example that this speaker used was college. You must fuel your faith in transitional times by surrounding yourself with Christ followers. He stated that the first two weeks of someone's college career can set their faith for the rest of their lifetime. You can't expect yourself to grow without the help of other growing people.

3. Lack of Biblical Knowledge. You must come to grips with the Word that will shape you.

4. No Early Leadership Experience. You are never to young to take charge and be a leader. Lead others by living a live worthy of the God who has made you and called you.

5. Denying Sacred Memory. Those times when God shows up and you can't deny it.

6. No Safe Place to Search. If you are not involved in a church that allows you to search safely, ask questions, doubt, be confused, or not be judged then you can't expect your faith to prosper.

7. No Mentors. If you have no adults in your life giving you advice, praying for you, or doing life with you, you aren't going to be poured into. When you pour out, but aren't being poured into, you eventually become empty and have no one to look up to.

Here are some other things I took away from that weekend:
*If someone lived your faith for 24 hours, would they be disappointed with God?
*The difference between a relationship and a religion is grace.
*Vagueness is killing the church. You can't just tell someone to go and be the light. You must show them what that looks like.
*You know God's voice if it aligns with His word, aligns with His finished work, and your godly counsel confirms it.
*The desert is a growing place.
*God won't push you over, but He will allow you to fall.
*It doesn't matter if they know you. It only matters if they know Christ through you.

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