Thursday, March 26, 2015

So What Does That Word Mean Anyway?

So there's this word that's been on my mind a lot lately.
It's a word we hear ALL the time.
In fact, we hear it so often that we become numb to the word.
I'm sure you already have some guesses popping around in that head of yours.
Some have heard this word their whole lives, but still cease to grasp what it really means.
I know it took me a while to understand.
Got your guess?


The word


Wait for it....



Wait! Get your curser off of that red X in the corner! Come back!

I know the word seems cliche, but it really isn't! I promise!

What do you think of when you hear the word grace?
I think of the tons of friends I have named Grace.

As a child, I always thought the word grace meant "letting it be okay even though it's really not."
And in a way, that's kind of what it is.

Grace is something none of us deserve. But guess what?
Grace is given to us anyway.
Grace is one of the hardest things for us humans to give to other people, especially when they are undeserving of it.

But we must give the grace that we have been given. Why? Because we don't deserve it any more or any less than anyone else.

When God sent Jesus to be flogged and whipped up on that cross, He was showing us His grace. How? Jesus' blood shed grace upon our sins. His blood said, "Here, let me give you another chance. Here, let me forgive your sins. Here, let me show you how much I love you despite your mistakes."

I don't really know why this word has been so heavy on my heart lately.
To be honest, this word didn't ever mean much to me until recently, when I finally started to understand.

I think about all the messes I make, and all of my mistakes. Then I think about how God says, "It's okay, child. I still love you." Now THAT is grace.

God has no reason to love me. God has no reason to give me grace. God has no reason to forgive me.
But He does anyway. For no reason. I can't think of any better explanation of grace besides that. He sees me mess everything up. He sees me fail. He sees me betray.

I deserve death.
We all deserve death.
I don't care if you're the "goodest" person out there.
We all deserve death.

But somehow, we are blessed by a God who says, "Let me give you life anyway."

I just don't get it.
I don't think I will ever get it.

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

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