Thursday, February 19, 2015

Personal logo

So in my graphic design class, we are working on making logos for make-believe companies. I was assigned a spa. In the process of learning how to make a good logo, we learned that the way your logo looks portrays what your company is like. Its quality, its attributes, its services, etc. For example, if your logo is boring, no one is going to be drawn to your business.
I’ve been thinking, it’s kind of the same as those who are following Christ. If you don’t live differently than others, no one will be drawn to you. If you live your life like the world, or like the people around you, no one is going to see you and say, “Wow. They’re different. That’s cool. I’d like to get to know them better.”
Now of course, we can’t be one can. But if we live our lives doing the works of Christ, encouraging others, or having an unexplainable joy, people are going to look at you and say, “I want to be like that.”
Not everyone is going to be drawn to you, and that’s okay. But God is working on the hearts of SO many people, we can never be sure who we are really reaching, until they express an interest in the way we live. If Christ is truly in us, He should be shining through us to the people around us. 
If Christ is in you, you should be living differently than the world. 
In all, the way we let ourselves be portrayed is going to decipher who will be drawn to us, who we will reach, and who we will change. 
You can’t change the world by trying to be like it.

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